Me. A Signature item.
(Don't feel badly if you didn't think I was cool enough to have a signature item, I didn't think I was cool enough either.)
My signature item is these most lovely of all earrings:
They were a gift from a dear, dear friend. When I first opened the package, I thought they were gorgeous. But, if I am being completely honest, I seriously doubted that I would ever know what to wear them with. I am not good with jewelry and what matches with turquoise?
Now, nearly 2 years later: I wear them almost every day. They go with absolutely everything (everything, this is no lie) and I love them. They add something stylish to even the most ordinary outfits. And frankly most of my outfits are ordinary and desperately need something stylish.
I love these earrings so much that I lived in mortal fear of losing one or both. Then, I did something super smart (it happens occasionally, my doing something smart): I ordered a second pair.
This was no easy task, since the etsy seller, the talented figsnfeathers, no longer had them listed for sale. I contacted the seller and (fingers crossed) asked about purchasing a second pair. The seller was so,so,so nice and put together a special order just for me.
Isn't it nice to see four of them together?
Yes, those are fabulous! I have seen some like it but that color is by far my favorite. The next time I see you don't think I am weird if I am staring at your ears trying to get a peek;)
My sister-in-law Katie has some similar, so cute and classy and classic.
I love these kinds of earrings...I have some that are very similar in both red and pink...they're the perfect little pop of color. You've got a great "signature piece"!
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