Monday, January 2, 2012

Some Christmas Happenings

The season starts with Christmas in the Sky (Fireworks timed to Christmas music over Longview Lake. I may have mentioned a time or two Kansas City's obsession with fireworks.)  We meet up with friends, drink hot chocolate, and enjoy the show.

We take list making very seriously around these parts. We got several lists from each child. I think they found the need to supply us with weekly updates.

Lots of wrapping.  Lots and Lots.

Decorating the tree happened way too late this year, nearly mid December.  I had some church duties the first 2 weeks of December that left me with little time for decorating.  And then we had some pre-lit tree issues.  (Our grand solution was to add another string of lights over the non-working pre lit lights.)

A last minute dinner party with friends.  (I originally planned on making something lovely but reality intervened and we ended up getting take out from Pei Wei.)

Dessert was by Trudy's Treats.

Christmas in the Park.

Christmas Treats.

Christmas Decor (once it finally got up.)

Plaza Lights.

Christmas Eve dinner at Houstons on the Plaza.

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