My daughter was Freshman Homecoming Royalty this year. Which where we live is a pretty darn big deal.
This may seem like all kinds of shameless bragging in some ways it came as a surprise.
As you may know, our
church is pretty important to us. Raising lovely, well adjusted, successful kids is pretty important to us. Because those two things are our top priorities, we don't worry so much about the popularity thing or being cool. We have set our standards high and make no apologies for it.
But sometimes, as a parent, you worry about how your kids will be accepted at school and among their peers. You absolutely want them to live to values and standards, but you also want them to have a positive social experience through the school years and not be some social pariah.
When Hailey was voted Homecoming Royalty, we decided we didn't need to worry about the social pariah thing so much anymore. (I guess it doesn't hurt that she sort of looks like a barbie doll, albeit with braces.)
Like I mentioned, turns out Homecoming is a big deal. This being our first foray into High School, we had no idea what to expect. The homecoming experience started out with an all school assembly:
She had to choose escorts (and supply their matching outfits):
And walk out front of the entire school:
My dad was in town and got to witness the festivities:
Next event, parade through downtown.
She rode in a parade with her good buddy, who is like a brother to her, another member of the Freshman Homecoming Court.
Later that night, Half Time at the football game, escorted by Mark and I:
Next night? Attending her first High School Dance.
We are quite proud of our daughter and how she willingly chooses to live her life.
P.S. Did you happen to notice her Homecoming dress? The most adorable thing you've ever seen, is it not? She looked amazing in it. A-MAZ-ING. She got compliments
everywhere we went. No one seemed to notice that it actually had straps, (sleeves even!) and a modest length. Score one for high standards.