A few years ago I read an adorable book named Austenland by Shannon Hale. (Technically, I listened to it on tape.) I thought it was super and very entertaining.
I just found out they are making a movie based on the book! This is good news for several reasons:
1. Shannon Hale helped write the screenplay so you know it won't go to pot like some books to movies. By the way: read her blog. She gives updates from Jolly Old England about the filming.
2. Stephanie Meyers is producing the movie. And I think Stephanie Meyers is fab, whether you like the whole Twilight thing or not. I saw her speak once and she signed my book. Trust me: Fab.
3. Keri Russell is the lead. Don't you love her? I do.
4. Jerusha Hess is directing. Who is Jershua Hess, you may ask? She co-wrote Napoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre with her husband Jared Hess. I'm intrigued.
5. It's about a girl who loves Jane Austen and becomes slightly obsessed with Mr. Darcy. (Not officially based on my life, just so you know.)
6. It's an indie film, so when I see it I will feel all artsy and hip. My cool quotient will rise by at least 10 points just by watching.
Are you excited too?
P.S. Shannon Hale, Stephanie Meyer, and Jerusha Hess are all members of my church.
i just read this book because i saw a link all about it being made into a movie. it was a fun read! i hope it translates into a fun movie too!
i just wish i liked keri russell more. you could add her to a link about people who used to belong to your church...
I'm glad you shared this! I thought it was a fun read and Shannon Hale's blog is a find.
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